Saturday, May 22, 2010


Welcome to Barlow Photo Arts, a blog created to enable you to follow my creative process through the creation of long and short term photographic projects. As a photographer, I tend to think and work in terms of projects, a series of photographs linked to a common theme.

For example, projects discussed here follow such themes as India, Shop Windows and of course, Fishing, which is another passion. Projects such as India contain a number of photos and the accompanying gallery ( see link to the right) will likely only be updated once. Other projects have an unlimited timeframe because of my ongoing interest in the subject. Be sure to check those galleries regularly for updates if you like what you see.

Please feel free to copy images from here or the flickr galleries and use them personally. This usage is for personal, non-commercial use only. Please note they are web quality only. I would be very grateful for a photo credit if you are using an image or images on your site or blog.

If you have any questions or feedback on the images themselves, please feel free to email.

Thanks for looking! Jonathan

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